Saturday, July 14, 2007

Celebrex in Turkey

Pfizer suspends sales of Celebrex in Turkey

According to a Pfizer M. Caprino, a company that produces medicines "Celebrex" decided to temporarily stop selling protivoartritnogo drug Celebrex in Turkey. This is due to the demands of the Turkish authorities to add annotations to the drug, "Celebrex" information on the possible development of cardiovascular disease as a result of receiving Celebrex.
The company believes that this is not proven research. Celebrex is a Class TSOG-2 inhibitors as Vioxx, withdrawn from sale by Merck in late September, will now run the fate of the "Celebrex". According to Ms. Caprino, FDA and European regulatory authorities are currently studying the issue of security LS Class "Celebrex". Pfizer hoped that the findings of regulatory bodies, to meet the Turkish side.

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